Thursday, September 2, 2010

Week 1 - September 2, 2010


Review of Syllabus

Scoring Guide for English Composition

Review Handouts

o Word Maps

o Idea Maps

o Five paragraph Essay Format

o Things to avoid

o Words that are often misused or spelled incorrectly

Writing Process

Explanation of Paper One

Paper 1-1: Brainstorming

Explanation of next week’s assignment

Paper one: Narrative

Tell a story about a vivid childhood memory. Your narrative should describe the events of the story using a time sequence. Remember to keep the point of view consistent throughout the essay. Use the same tense throughout and focus on the most important elements of the story. Using vivid language will help your readers better visualize your story.

The essay must be use the MLA format and be at least 750 words.

Assignments for September 9, 2010

1. Purchase supplies and required texts.

2. Reading:

a. Expressways: Introduction, Chapters 1"The Writing Process” and Chapter 2, “The Reading Process”

b. Handouts

3. Paper 1-2 – Bring in an Idea map of the topic

4. Word maps

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