Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Example of Paper 2 Description

Rubbers. Jimmies. Raincoats. Trojan. Lifestyle. Durex. The condom was known by many names. For the last three hundred years, the condom has helped prevent pregnancy and prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS. But now we must say goodbye – goodbye to this guardian of health and yes to an increase in unwanted pregnancies. Yes, to syphilis, chlamydia, herpes, and gonorrhea. Yes, to the steady climbing numbers of new AIDS case each year. But it is not like the condom didn’t try. The latex sheath worn on the penis during sexual intercourse acted as a barrier against the unknown – protecting all parties involved. Handled gently and not stored in back pockets, wallets, or anywhere that could possibly lead to damage, the condom was a shield. The condom was inexpensive and readily available. Because of its lightweight structure a man could enjoy sex longer, which also provided the couple with a safe, enjoyable, and undistracted sexual experience. Available in a variety colors, sizes, textures, lubricated and non-lubricated the condom begged for mass appeal. Attempting to diversify even more the condom offered a female version to help women take charge of their own sexual health.

Due to ignorance, embarrassment, lack of communication between parents and teens or just simple irresponsibility, the condom waited in vain for people to stop resisting it’s presence. But the resistance got stronger and the condom was left to die. The condom leaves children without families, a Nation plagued by STDs, and a world ravaged with AIDS.

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