Thursday, November 4, 2010

Works cited page information

General guidelines for works cited page
1. Single spaced
2. Should be a part of the essay not a separate document.  Once you finish typing your essay, insert a page break and then start the Works Cited page.
3. All entries should eb alphabetized by authors' last name.  If the work does not hav an author, alphabetize by the title of the work.
4. Each line afte the first should be indented.
5. NO internet sources are allowed.

Basic format for a book

Authors' last name, authors' first name. Title. City of publication: Publisher, year of publication.

Example: Tan, Amy. The Bonesetter's Daughter. New York: Putnam, 2001.

Basic format for an article in a magazine

Authors' last name, authors' first name. "Title of article." Title of magazine Date: page numbers.
Example of a monthly magazine (pay attention to how the date is presented):
Kaplan, Robert D. "History Moving North." Atlantic Monthly Feb. 1997: 21+.

Example of a weekly magazine (pay attention to how the date is presented):
Lord, Lewis. "There's Something about Mary Todd." US News World Report 19 Feb. 2001: 53.

Basic Format for an article in a daily newspaper

Authors' last name, authors' first name. "Title of article." Title of newspaper Date: page numbers.

Example: Murphy, Sean P. "Decisions on Status of Tribes Draw Fire." Boston Globe 27 Mar. 2001: A2.

Please prefer to the Modern Language Association (MLA) for further assistance.

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