Monday, October 25, 2010

Week 9 - October 28, 2010

Peer Review of Paper 4

Discuss Paper 6
Paper 6-1: Brainstorming
Explanation of next week’s assignment

Paper Six: Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect is concerned with why things happen (cause) and the result of an action or event (effect). Please write an essay comparing and contrasting a social issue. (NO – dropping out of high school, abortion, teen pregnancy, violence on TV, Video games, etc).

The essay must be use the MLA format and be at least 750 words and include at least one MLA in-text citation and a works cited page. Remember – NO internet sources are allowed.

Assignment for November 4, 2010

1. Reading
a. Expressways – Chapter 14 “Comparison and Contrast”

2. Paper 4-4 - Revise your essay. Submit your rough draft with Processor Barnes’ comments, peer review draft, and a final version of the essay.

3. Paper 5-3 – Email your rough draft to Professor Barnes no later than 5 pm on Tuesday, November 2, 2010.

4. Paper 6-2 – Bring in an Idea map of the topic

5. Word maps


Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 8 - October 21, 2010

Discuss results of the Midterm Portfolio

In class assignment
Explanation of Paper 5
Paper 5-1: Brainstorming
Explanation of next week’s assignment

Paper Five: Argumentative
An argument is line of reasoning intended to persuade the reader/listener to agree with a particular viewpoint or take a particular action. There are three essential parts to and argument – an issue, a position, and support. An issue is the problem or controversy that the argument addresses and also is the topic of an argument paragraph. A position is the particular point of view a writer has on an issue. Support consists of the details that demonstrate the position is correct and should be accepted. There are three types of support: reasons, evidence and emotional appeals. Please write an essay presenting and supporting an argument.

The essay must be use the MLA format and be at least 750 words and include at least one MLA in-text citation and a works cited page. Remember – NO internet sources are allowed.

Assignment for October 28, 2010

1. Reading
a. Expressways – Chapter 14 “Comparison and Contrast”

2. Paper 4-3 – Email your rough draft to Professor Barnes no later than 5 pm on Tuesday, October 26, 2010.

3. Paper 5-2 – Bring in an Idea map of the topic

4. Word maps


Paper 4 Compare/Constrast - Brainstorm

foreign car/american car
university/community college
tysons corner/mondowmin mall
chinese food/soul food
burger king/MacDonald's
democrat /republician

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week 7 - October 14, 2010

Collect 40 Word Maps

Collect Paper 3-4
Paper 1-4
MLA in-text citation
Explanation of next week’s assignment

Paper Four: Comparison and Contrast
Comparison and contrast are two ways of organizing information about two or more different subjects. When focusing on similarities you are comparing. When focusing on differences you are contrasting. Write an essay comparing and/or contrasting two or more subjects. You can focus on both similarities and differences however this can be complicated.

The essay must be use the MLA format and be at least 750 words and include at least one MLA in-text citation and a works cited page. Remember – NO internet sources are allowed.

Assignment for October 21, 2010

1. Reading
a. Expressways Section VII F “Managing Mechanics and Spelling” pg. 565 – 572
b. Expressways Chapter 17 “Summarizing and Synthesizing Sources”
c. Expressways Business Letter formats pg 127 – 128 and 228 – 229

2. Paper 4 -2 – Research your topic and bring an Idea map/outline to class.

3. Word maps


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Week 6 - October 7, 2010

Mid-Term conferences

Peer Reviews of Paper 3
Explanation of next week’s assignment

Mid-Term Portfolio

English 101.1024
Ms. Barnes

o Left Side
    Draft of Cover Letter
    Blue Book
    Draft of Paper 1 or 2
    Draft of Paper 3 – Process

o Right Side
    Final Version of the Cover Letter
     Final Version of Paper 1 or 2 (This the final draft of whichever paper you include as the draft.)

Assignment for October 14, 2010

1. Mid-Term Portfolio due – Portfolios must be in my mailbox, GJ 527, by 4 pm Monday, October 11, 2010. Late portfolios will not be accepted.

2. Reading
a. Expressways Section VII F “Managing Mechanics and Spelling” pg. 565 – 572
b. Expressways Chapter 17 “Summarizing and Synthesizing Sources”
c. Expressways Business Letter formats pg 127 – 128 and 228 – 229

3. Paper 3-4 – Revise your essay. Submit your rough draft with Processor Barnes’ comments, peer review draft, and a final version of the essay.

4. Word maps – Bring to class 40 fully completed word maps. They must be neatly written to receive full credit.

5. - Exercises on Sentences, punctuation, and spelling
